Operating in Chaos + Connecting to Source + Free Intuitive Reading
It’s the first day of fall, yall! My favorite time of year not only because I was born in the fall, but because we finally get to indulge in festivals, bazaars, markets, street fests and so many other outdoor social activities. Autumn is also noted as gathering time. Time to bring in and prepare for the upcoming season where we’ll be inside more due to harsh elemental conditions. Autumn for many also emotes a sense of sadness. We get less sun and it gets dark earlier. Summer colors become more melanated, the grass begins to lose its color, leaves stop making their food and prepare to wither and fall for the winter season. This coming of darkness for some brings about a feeling of reflective and nostalgic loss. Many of us may find ourselves focusing on what we don’t have. Yet, seeing as though fall is a gathering season, it’s an appropriate time to take inventory of what we have. While some of us will find so many things and aspects of our lives to be thankful for, others of us may find a life unfulfilled, a life of imbalance, or a life of chaos https://cz-lekarna.com/g…ky-imitrex/. Today, I want to share with you some signs that you may be unconsciously or subconsciously operating in chaos and force, then I’ll share some ways to connect to a Source or God, the Great Spirit, the Holy Spirit, or whatever you call or name your higher power. Your Source wants you to understand that you were created, patterned, and purposed to operate in flow and not force. Chaos pushes you to operate in force. Source designed you to operate in flow.
I’m also offering a free 30 minute intuitive reading to the first person who emails me with a brief reason of why or how you feel you’ve been operating in force and chaos. I talk a bit about intuitive readings in the video and podcast; be sure to stop by and listen. Only the very first person to send an email will receive a free 30 minute reading. Because I believe in the power of 3, the next two individuals will receive some personal guidance. This offer ends tonight at 9 p.m. No more submissions after that. So if you’re interested in receiving this reading, email me at [email protected] and be sure to share how/why you feel you’ve been operating in chaos/force.
Y’all be well, ok?
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/fZWRNaMtTMc
SoundCloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/user-990474421/kimagine-that-episode-2